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Friday, March 13, 2015

Weekend Links!

Hi everyone! I am in Mexico this weekend with Z's family and we're getting some R&R. Snorkeling is on the schedule for today! Hope you have a relaxing weekend as well!

Find out about how the artisanal toast craze started with Trouble Coffee. {link}

Food52 came out with a new podcast, and it is great! {link}

Shared these great maps of the US with my teammates at work {link}

Hello, dream job and kitchen! {link}

This print is great, and I want everything by this artist! {link}

If the major cities were made of food...{link}

Floral spirits for your next cocktail party {link}

Reading this book and I love it. {link}

Beer + politics + taxes {link}

Wishing this group would create an SF outpost! {link}

Wanting this shirt from Kit & Ace {link}

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