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Monday, March 23, 2015

Puerto Vallarta!

View from Garza Blanca
Hi everyone! I am sorry for the lack of posts last week. I went to Puerto Vallarta, was delayed heading home, and then was only home fore three days before leaving for DC for the weekend. It's been a very hectic two weeks.

I'm writing this post from the Atlanta airport right now. Outside it's gray, dark, and rainy, but I'm inside looking at these photos from Mexico which are just filled with sunshine and color...the perfect start to the first work week of Spring!

View from Garza BlancaView from Garza Blanca

Z's family and I went to Puerto Vallarta for a few days to relax and soak in the sun. We stayed a resort south of the city that had a great view of the ocean and beaches. We laid out by the pool, spent some time paddleboarding, and ate a lot of guacamole!


I particularly loved the flavored waters and juices the resort would distribute to everyone. My favorite was a honeydew, lime and mint combination that was simply delicious. I'm definitely inspired to create more interesting non-alcoholic drinks like this.

Melon, lime, and mint water

We also had to order a few tropical drinks, mainly because I've had "Escape (The Piña Colada Song)" stuck in my head for the past few weeks.

Piña Colada
PooltimeWe also went out for an amazing dinner to celebrate Z's sister's birthday at a restaurant called Cafe Des Artistes. They brought out a very traditional ceviche, but then we enjoyed delicious French food the rest of the night. They sure know how to celebrate a birthday!
cevicheCevicheRoasted FishCapreseRoasted Tomato and Leek RavioliDessert & SparklersDSCN3705

What family vacations have you enjoyed recently? Where do you want to go next?

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