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Monday, March 30, 2015

Favorite Finds for Passover

Hi everyone! Hope you are having a great start to your Monday. Today's post is dedicated to Passover, a Jewish holiday that starts on Friday evening. 

This spring holiday marks the remembrance of Jews leaving Egypt as free men for Israel, after being enslaved by the Egyptians for many years. It's the story of Moses and the exodus of Jews from Egypt. 

Jews celebrate Passover not only by avoiding bread and leavened food, but also by hosting Passover Seders on the first two nights. Passover Seders (seder means "order" in Hebrew) is a ceremonial meal where Jews retell the Exodus story and drink a lot of wine. 

I did a round-up of some of my favorite Passover-related items that I found on the internet...for when you realize your Bubbie's seder plate doesn't quite cut it anymore. 

Tomorrow, I'll feature some favorite finds focusing on Easter!

1) Seder plate

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