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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Favorite Finds: Brown Water Coffee

Brown Water Honduras Coffee Beans Anyone who knows me well enough knows that I am a coffee snob. Part of me hates the fact that I insist on non-Starbucks coffee and I have a preference for Blue Bottle over Four Barrel. If I am going to spend the money on coffee, I want it to be exactly to my liking!

Now, what if I told you that you could get coffee-snob approved beans in addition to helping someone get access to clean drinking water? It's a no-brainer, right?

Brown Water Coffee ships you coffee within 72 hours of roasting, so you get the freshest and best tasting coffee possible. I just ordered their Honduras San Vicente coffee, and I am loving the result. It makes my morning commute so much better to have a delicious and hot cup of coffee with me!

For every bag of beans that someone buys, they provide clean drinking water to an individual. I wish they had more details on exactly what their one-for-one model entails, but I do like their social mission. This year, they are working on a clean water project in Nicaragua. I take for granted that I have clean drinking water, and enough clean drinking water to make delicious coffee.

Check out all of their coffees here!


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