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Friday, March 6, 2015

Le Weekend!

Happy Friday! This week has seemed hectic with performance reviews at work and planning out the month. I had intended to make hamantaschen this week in celebration of Purim, but that didn't happen at all. I did book a fun trip though for next week! This month will be filled with lots of traveling, so I am going to try and get in lots of SF plans this week. I'm visiting some new bakeries, seeing old friends at a party, and getting our apartment in order. 

To get you to 5pm happy hour time, here are some links for the weekend. 

Loving this article on Paris, pastry, and Japanese. {link}

I just purchased this facial cleanser from Beautylish, and I loved the experience. {link}

Dying to try this "good for you" ice cream. {link}

Also wanting to try this "ice cream cleanse". {link}

Off the Grid lineups are out for 2015! I love these food truck festivals. {link}

For all the Hello Kitty fans in SF. {link}

A great round up of events in SF this month. {link}

Where to find the best coffee in the sky. {link}

This portrait session made me smile. {link}

Excited to listen to this podcast over the weekend. {link}

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