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Friday, April 3, 2015

Weekend Reading

Hi everyone! Hope you all are having a great start to your Friday. I've spent the past two weekends with family, first my sister and then my father. It was so lovely spending time with both of them. I flew out to DC (here we are at the historic Florida Avenue Grill), and then my dad came to visit Z and I in SF. 

This weekend will be spent with my friends who feel like family. I will be rushing home from work this evening to celebrate Passover with friends. Growing up, Passover is a true family holiday. Though I hated giving up bread, I always looked forward to the big family meal during Seders. I'm excited to start new traditions this year!

Meet my new life coach, Cookie Monster. {link}

What are your thoughts on Mast Brothers chocolate? {link}

A tech entrepreneur gives up her life's possessions {link}

Passover Seder's 4 questions + food justice = this. {link}

Have you been following this crazy story about Hapa Ramen? {link}

Next on my shopping list...{link}

SF events for April! {link}

A great introduction to the leading Democratic candidate for CA Governor. {link}

The sad truth behind college acceptances {link}

This recipe is getting added to my "must bake immediately after Passover list". {link}

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