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Monday, April 6, 2015

Favorite Finds: 2 Degrees Bars

Before flying out to Mexico, I met my friend M for dinner. We met at her work, where they have an amazing snack selection. Her office takes snacks to the next level--there's homemade nutella, coconut water, everything your heart could desire. 

Naturally, I stole a snack or two for the plane. I grabbed a 2 Degrees bar, which I had never tried before.

The next day on the plane, I unwrapped the 2 Degrees Chocolate Banana bar, and took a bite. It was so delicious! It tasted exactly like chocolate and banana, plus a nice crunchy contrast thanks to some chia seeds. 

If you're not a banana fan, there is also chocolate peanut, cherry almond, and apple pecan!
There's another reason to love 2 Degrees besides their tempting bars. For every bar you buy, they provide a meal to a child in need! I am a fan of the one-to-one model, and I love how 2 Degrees is giving back. 

You can give back yourself (or just try a tasty bar) by buying some here

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