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Friday, April 10, 2015


Image via prettystuff.tumblr.com

Hello Friday, hello fun! This week has felt crazy--reunions with family, old friends, and going to the gym for the first time in a month (!) coupled with doctor visits. Whew! I'm ready for the weekend. 

If you are ready for the weekend as well, then check out these links below!

How much water goes into making your meal? {link}

Tea + Sugar + British Empire {link}

The best ice cream sandwiches in NYC, so more places to add to my growing list of places to try! {link}

Loving the idea of this weeknight past recipe {link}

An inside look at Scribe Winery {link}

Caviar is now delivering food within 10 minutes from restaurants! {link}

Check out these fruity beers for your next meal {link}

Hello, Shopbop sale {link}

I'm looking forward to trying this pizza place after Passover {link}

Have you tried Equator Coffee yet? {link}

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