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Friday, April 24, 2015

Happy Friday!

How do you recharge on the weekends? Last weekend was a lot of "me" time; Noe Valley Farmer's Market, watching the new Cinderella movie (which was quite good), and shooting lots of upcoming recipes. This weekend I am hoping to be a little more social. I am celebrating a friend's birthday on Friday, and then I will spending Sunday exploring the city with Vivian. 

Hope you have a good weekend filled with both rest and friends. Here are some links to get you to 5pm!

Blue Bottle just keeps getting better. {link}

Feeling inspired after watching Oprah's talk on a meaningful life. {link}

Loved loved loved this take on bring apart. {link}

Did your favorite state food make this map? {link}

How to work less and get more done. {link}

What the drought means for avocadoes. {link}

20 delicious salads for spring and summer! {link}

Where to eat along the PCH. {link}

New studies on what to eat to prevent Alzheimers. {link}

Image via

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