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Friday, June 13, 2014

Weekend Reading

I'm spending the weekend at home in sunny San Diego with family--my younger sister is graduating from high school! Hope you all have a relaxing weekend that includes a lot of fresh air and deliciously long brunches.

A big win for both consumers and POM, thanks to SCOTUS.

Why I love San Francisco: so much good ice cream.

Priceline looking to buy OpenTable, for $2.6B.

I need to get myself one of these iced lattes, stat.

My favorite burger spot, Shake Shack, celebrated its 10th anniversary this week! Check out their special anniversary burgers.

And, interviews with the Shake Shack CEO, Randy Garutti, and founder, Danny Meyer on why they will never let you put peanut butter on a Shack burger.

A DC classic gets a makeover.

I"m excited to check out this new Pixar animated short, Feast, which is coming out in November.

Image via Paris in Four Months

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