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Monday, June 2, 2014

Favorite Finds: TCHO Chocolate

I am a chocolate snob.

Chocolate is perhaps one of my favorite things. My love for strawberry, vanilla, and even salted caramel can't hold a candle to my love of chocolate.

TCHO Chocolate, based out of West Berkeley, is one of my favorite chocolate companies. Not only is their chocolate AMAZING, but also their unique company vibe wins them my vote.

First, the chocolate. TCHO's signature line of dark chocolates (Fruity, Nutty, Chocolatey, and Bright) have a rich, dark, intense taste that is absolutely wonderful as it melts in your mouth. They add no funky ingredients, unlike Hershey's some other chocolate companies, so all you get delicious chocolate each time.

TCHO's signature dark chocolate is single-origin, so all of the cacao beans come from the same region. Focusing on terroir allows TCHO to pull out distinct flavors (like nuts or fruits) that would otherwise get lost if you combined all the beans together. These flavors are just inherently in each cacao bean, but some regions have a stronger nut-like (or  fruit-like etc) taste.

On top of all of this, TCHO chocolate strives to be organic and fair trade whenever possible. It's always awesome to see companies supporting their suppliers in order to benefit the whole industry.

If dark chocolate is not your thing (Note: we may need to evaluate our friendship), TCHO has plenty of delicious, high-quality milk chocolates and chocolate combinations.  One of my favorites is the Mokaccino bar, a combination of milk chocolate and Blue Bottle Coffee.

Next time you are over in Berkeley, stop by their new location for some out of this world chocolate!

All images via TCHO Chocolate

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