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Monday, June 9, 2014

Favorite Finds: Salty Road

Growing up, I had the BIGGEST sweet tooth. Any type of candy, I would eat it. As I grew older, I still kept my sweet tooth, but I became much pickier about the type of candy I eat. 

Since middle school or so, I have avoided salt water taffy. It once was a childhood favorite, but its artificial flavors and colors, in addition to its cloyingly sweet taste, made me pass over it time and time again. 

Salty Road taffy makes me want to eat salt water taffy again. This artisanal taffy company creates a chewy, addicting candy with just the right about of salty crunch and sweet flavors. How could you skip out on Bergamot taffy or Salted Mango Lassi taffy? Salty Road is a childhood favorite, meant for adult tastes. 

Their nostalgic packaging makes me smile--it's so bright and perfect for summer! Salty Road taffy makes a lovely gift for your summer barbecue hosts.  

You can find them at Dean & Delucas across the country, BiRite in San Francisco, and at Salt and Sundry in Washington DC. 

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