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Friday, May 30, 2014

Back to Basics: Whipped Cream

Happy Friday! Even though this week was a short work week, I cannot wait for the weekend. Top of my to-do list: catching up on sleep, visiting the Farmer's Market, and working on this blog! I have lots of big changes in the works!

This whipped cream recipe is a necessity, a true basics recipe. It's creamy and slightly sweet, with a just a hint of vanilla. It's the perfect complement for both a rich, dark flourless chocolate cake and a bowl of vanilla ice cream.

Homemade whipped cream elevates the store-bought berry pie you raced to get before your friend's BBQ, and the whipped cream makes them think you are SO on top of your game. If you are awesome made your own pie, or cake, why ruin it with Cool Whip that always manages to leave a waxy film in your mouth?

My favorite way to eat whipped cream, though, is atop a fresh bowl of berries. There is no better way to end a summer meal!

Whipped Cream

1 cup heavy cream
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Fifteen minutes ahead of time, place your metal bowl and metal whisks into the freezer.

Place the sugar and vanilla in the mixing bowl, then add the whipping cream. Whisk just until the cream reaches stiff peaks. 

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