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Friday, October 10, 2014

Weekend Reading

Happy Friday! I am off to Palm Beach, Florida, for a family weekend. We are celebrating my great-aunt who turns 95. Even though this weekend will be filled with champagne, cake, tennis, and sunny weather, I am secretly dreaming of cozy sweaters and hot apple cider. 

Enjoy the weekend!

My absolute favorite boba place gets a new location in Union Square {link}

The quest continues for the best macaron in the city {link}

Excited to see how Square Order works at my favorite coffee shop, Blue Bottle {link}

What if you just hate making dinner? {link}

Check out this month's wine school, focusing on my favorite, Champagne {link}

Excited to check out Mark Bittman's new book {link}

The lovely Dorie Greenspan is touring the country for her new book, Baking Chez Moi {link}

The Hall just opened up on Market St and looks like it could be a great lunch spot {link}

Really tempted to go dairy-free for a month after reading this blog post {link}

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