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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Back to Basics: Caramelized Onions

How to Cook Caramelized Onions
Despite Z's aversion to onions, and particularly caramelized onions, I managed to make one batch of frittatas this weekend chock full of caramelized onions and goat cheese.

Caramelized onions do take some patience, but the results are spectacular. Deeply flavorful, these onions you can toss them into salads or egg scrambles, spread them onto your sandwiches and burgers, and even add them to your cheese plates.

I'll be back later this afternoon to show you how you can turn these caramelized onions into delicious frittatas!

Caramelized Onions

1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon oil
2 large onions, sliced (slices should be no smaller than 1/8th of an inch)
3/4 cup deglazing liquid of choice (red/white wine, chicken/beef stock, water)

In a 12-inch pan over medium heat, add the butter and oil. Once the butter melts, lower the heat to medium low. Add in the onions.

For the next 45 minutes, let the onions cook. They will wilt down and get darker in color. Try not to stir the onions.

Once the onions are deep brown and soft,  remove them from the pan. Turn the heat in the pan up to medium. Add in the deglazing liquid, and using a plastic spatula, try to scrape all of the brown caramelized leftovers up from the bottom of the pan.

Once the liquid has been significantly reduced, pour the contents of the pan over the onions. Stir to incorporate. 

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