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Friday, October 31, 2014

Weekend Links & Happy Halloween!

How I celebrate the Giants winning the World Series: pumpkin whoopie pies
Happy Halloween! This is my last weekend of "funemployment"...I start work on Monday. I am really looking forward to a new beginning, a new path, and a new schedule. Z and I will be spending the weekend trying to put together our apartment and preparing for a busy week ahead. Oh, and of course, we will be watching the Stanford v Oregon game and celebrating Halloween. Enjoy the weekend!

Note to self: eat everything on the 2015 Good Foods Nominations list {link}

Shared economy meets the kitchen--a library for kitchen tools and gadgets {link}

Is red wine the drink of choice for powerful women? {link}

Innovation and pastries, from the New Yorker {link}

The Steve Jobs of beer {link}

Mimi Thorisson on how to pair wine with food {link}


12 weekend habits of highly successful people {link}

For anyone who is obsessed with snacks {link}

I can't wait to pick up a couple of these ramen kits at Whole Foods {link}

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