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Monday, May 12, 2014

Favorite Finds: Clearly Kombucha

I'm kicking off a new series--Favorite Finds--to highlight some of my favorite food companies around the globe. Enjoy today's inaugural post!

I am NOT a kombucha person. #sorrynotsorry

So any kombucha that can turn me into a full-fledged fan of this fermented drink must be pretty great stuff.

Enter, Clearly Kombucha.

I first tried Clearly Kombucha in college, and it quickly became my kombucha brand of choice.

As a non-kombucha fan, I like Clearly because they provide delicious low calorie and low sugar refreshments. Their flavors, like Black Currant and Strawberry Hibiscus, are spot on. They have a clean and crisp taste that I would take over a soda any day.

Plus, they filter their kombucha (just like champagne!) so there are no gross floatie things in your kombucha, unlike most of the unappetizing options at your local health foods store.

The founders, Ali Zarrow and Caleb Cargle, and the rest of the Clearly Kombucha team approach making kombucha with the passion of a vintner. They have their own brewing facility where they only use non-GMO, fair trade, AND organic ingredients to bring you the best kombucha around.

Clearly Kombucha is selling all across the country, and you can check out where to buy them here!

Also, if you're feeling a little bit social, enter into Clearly Kombucha's Instagram contest. They are giving away some delicious snacks to a special someone who shares the picture below on Instagram and tags it #cksnacktime. Good luck!

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