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Friday, August 7, 2015

Have a Great Weekend.

Happy Friday! I'm taking the day off from work today to explore Boston with Z. We're in town for a friend's wedding, and then we head to NYC. I am excited to be reunited with two of my favorites, Shake Shack and Sweetgreen. If you have any Boston or New York recommendations, send them my way!

I'm not the only one on the Soul Cycle craze. They just filed to go public!

14 UNESCO World Heritage sites you must go to. Vacation please.

What company is going to be the "Google of food"? One VC firm is trying to find out.

What french fry toppings are you a fan of?

Your body after a can of coca-cola. It's terrifying.

On my must-read list: Aziz Ansari's Modern Romance.

I recently tried this chocolate, and I'm now obsessed.

Loving this interview with Mindy Kaling. A must-read for all women out there!

5 healthy milkshake recipes.

Unlimited maternity and paternity leave? Fingers crossed this starts catching on.

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