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Friday, August 21, 2015


Summer Berry Pavlovas
Delicious cheese plate with summer fruits

Hope you all are having a great start to your weekend. Z's family is in town, so we have a lot planned! This week has felt rather hectic at work though, so I'm hoping for some R&R as well. To get you to the weekend, here are a few things for you...

John Oliver's piece on food waste is a must see.

Nutella egg creams? Such a great idea.

...And frozen hot chocolate.

The coffee you should be ordering.

Such a cute video.

I've been using my cast iron skillet a lot. If you don't have one, you should buy one!

A glimpse into my other work.

Lots of foodie fun this weekend in the Bay thanks to Eat Drink SF. See all the events here!

Words of wisdom.

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