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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

My Favorite Take-Out Meal

Easy vegetarian dinner

I'm all about cooking here on the blog. I love to cook, and I relish in sharing easy and delicious recipes with you all.

Even I have those days though where you make it home from work, and the last thing you want to do is make dinner. The thought of putting together a meal, or even creating a meal out of leftovers, sounds completely unappetizing.

It's essential to have a few take-out options in the back of your pocket, for when you just. can't. even.

My favorite take out meals are relatively healthy, fresh tasting, and cheap! In particular, I love love love Mediterranean food.

Easy vegetarian dinner

I always grab a vegetarian sampler plate from Truly Mediterranean. It costs under $10 and it includes: dolmades, falafel, hummus, baba ghanoush, Israeli salad, tabouleh, sumac onions, feta, and pita bread. It's so much food that I often get two meals out of it!

What are your favorite take out meals?

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