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Friday, July 10, 2015

Weekend Reading

Hello weekend! This week at work has felt sluggish with my energy dipping around 4pm every day. I'm making it a priority to get outside this weekend. Z and I are going for a Saturday morning hike, and then we are headed over to newly renovated Dolores Park for sunshine and a friend's birthday. Below are a few things that will get you to that 5pm cocktail!

Loving loving loving these sandals.

Tips on storing wine.

A fun ice cream event for those in the Bay Area.

Mark Bittman sampling wild vegetables and plants growing in the Easy Bay.

On the weekend to-do list: make these scones.

The best mail-order ice creams in America.

These are some of the coolest cakes I've ever seen!

So funny, so true.

I loved this couple's story.

Shake Shack, please bring your burgers and chicken sandwiches to SF soon.  

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