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Friday, September 19, 2014

Weekend Reading

Happy Friday! Life has been truly crazy this week--I am in full-fledged
 job interview mode, plus Z and I just got keys to our new apartment! I am so excited (and I'll admit, a bit nervous) for this next set of adventures, but I cannot wait to start making our condo a home. Our weekend will be filled with Ikea and Target runs, but I hope your weekend includes lots of ice cream, stone fruit, and tomatoes as you relish this last weekend of summer. 

Between the moving and the job interviews, my cooking has been lacking lately. However, I am bringing you lots of great reads to keep you entertained until your Friday night date.

73 questions for Anna Wintour...{link}

Where to find the Nutella truck this weekend {link}

The original artisan toast {link}

Vote for your local favorite in Food & Wine's Best New Bar poll {link}

Would you buy yogurt wrapped in edible packaging? {link}

Linguistics + restaurant menus {link}

Bon Appetit's Grub Crawl is coming to San Francisco {link}

Image via 

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