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Friday, September 5, 2014

Weekend Reading

Hello you glorious people. Hope you have spectacular weekend plans ahead for le weekend. My Saturday will be filled with college friends, mimosas, and football as Stanford takes on U$C! Who knows what Sunday will hold, but I hope it includes some tennis in the sunshine and a great donut or two.

Here are a few things to get you through Friday to happy hour...

Spend your Friday nights at this new foodie event on Market street {link}

Another reason to bring back Ness...Yelp can legally change reviews  {link}

A four-year-old's take on the French Laundry {link}

Brunch + graphs {link}

Save the SF Flower Mart {link}

Here's your chance to get yelled at by Gordon Ramsay {link}

Another food hall coming to the Mid-Market area {link}

Science behind your perfect chocolate chip cookie {link}

Everything you need to know about soy sauce {link}

New restaurants to look out for in New York {link}

Restaurant trends to look out for {link}

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