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Friday, September 4, 2015

Enjoy the Long Weekend

Weekend Reading

I hope you have relaxing plans this weekend. Z and I are traveling to Los Angeles for a family bar mitzvah (hi Fred, Z's grandpa and avid Hilary Stone Soup reader), and then we leave for Hawaii. If you have any Kauai recommendations, please send them my way! This will be my first time in Kauai, and I'm looking forward to hiking, acai bowls, and the beach. Enjoy the three-day weekend with family and friends--we sure will be! 

It can really suck to get to the end of a good book. This cute baby understands

Awesome food truck names

McDonald's offering all-day long breakfasts

I have always wanted to eat at this SF sushi restaurant. I guess now is the time! 

11 cakes that need only one bowl. 

What a great DIY for a wedding.

Loving the new Timbuk2 Femme collection.

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