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Friday, June 26, 2015

Weekend Reading

Z and I are headed off to Wine Country for the weekend! We're finally taking a trip to celebrate our 5 year anniversary. After a busy week at work and birthday festivities, it'll be nice to escape the city for some bike rides, wine, and food. Hope you have a great weekend ahead of you!

Now that I work in customer service, I have a new found hatred for mean customers. This article on horror stories from restaurants was fascinating. 

I'm starting this book over the weekend.

I love the idea of this grilled avocado and quinoa meal.

Have you seen Inside Out yet? I highly recommend it!

I have a one-wall kitchen, so I loved looking at these great uses of space.

Love love love any grain salad with fresh fruit, and Ashley's recipe for couscous with cherries looks magical.

The world's most prestigious water tasting. Yes, it's a thing.

Love is love.

As if I need another excuse to eat chocolate. Yay for heart health!

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