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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Birthday Celebration!

I turned 24 on Tuesday! I spent the weekend celebrating with friends and family. Z's mom came up for the weekend, which was particularly lovely. We spent most of Saturday cooking, with a short break for a delicious brunch at Universal Cafe in the Mission. We hosted a happy hour with friends on our roof later on Saturday afternoon. The birthday celebrations continued with a SoulCycle birthday ride on Tuesday morning and dinner at Foreign Cinema. Lastly, we celebrated with Susiecakes Celebration Cake (the best funfetti cake EVER). 

I'm feeling so blessed to have such wonderful food and people in my life! Get excited for a new recipe tomorrow, in addition to Weekend Links!

Breakfast at Universal Cafe
French toast with pluot compote at Universal Cafe
Breakfast at Universal Cafe
Scrambled eggs with pesto at Universal Cafe

My favorite deviled eggs (recipe is on the site!)
Momofuku's birthday cake recipe
Chocolate cake with raspberry buttercream frosting
Right before blowing out the candles
The famous fried chicken at Foreign Cinema
The prettiest squash blossom and egg raviolo at Foreign Cinema
My Susiecakes cake!

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