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Friday, January 30, 2015

Weekend Reading


Happy Friday everyone! Here are some snaps from this week--beautiful flowers from Farmgirl Flowers, and then lots of sunshine and blue skies from over the weekend. While this weekend may not include as much time outside (the Super Bowl being one reason why), I have a few new recipes to try out, which I am very excited about! Enjoy the weekend with lots of bar food, good beer, and hopefully a good game!

A trick for choosing wine {link}

7 top chicken wing recipes {link}

DoorDash is headed to SF {link}

A new French restaurants comes to the 'hood! {link}

Who's driving the world's wine consumption? {link}

This recipe is reminding me that winter citrus can help me pretend it's summer {link}

Food deliverymen, saving the day during the blizzard in NYC {link}

Leave it to goop and Gwenyth Paltrow to give you a recipe for Sex Bark and Spirit Truffles {link}

Restaurants that I (and Refinery29) are excited about this year {link}

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