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Friday, December 5, 2014

Weekend Reading

Happy Friday! I am so excited for the weekend--I'm planning on cuddling up on the couch with a book and a giant cup of coffee. I have a few big plans in the works. Check back every day next week for gift guides for everyone in your family!

In the meantime, here are a few links to get you to your 5pm happy hour beer. 

A Christmas cookie recipe fight...{link}

30 awesome events for all of you living in SF {link}

Things you should pick up at the flea market for your kitchen {link}

You can now buy your Girl Scout cookies online! This changes things... {link}

Can Starbucks rebrand as an evening destination for happy hour? {link}

Five tips for a successful holiday cocktail party {link}

Loving this dinner party dessert that can be shared with all of your guests {link}

Need plans for Chanukah? This SF dinner has got you covered {link}

The best places to eat around Union Square {link}

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