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Friday, November 7, 2014

Weekend Reading

Happy Friday! Today is the first Friday in a while that will be a true weekend for me. I'm excited for the beautiful weather and some fun plans with friends. Get ready---next week is going to be all about Thanksgiving Friendsgiving!

Is Domino's secretly a tech company? {link}

There are very few times I want to live in NYC, but this might change everything {link}

Bar Tartine, helping you with your toast game {link}

Can't wait to get my hands on Anchor Steam's Christmas Ale {link}

14 SF weekend events to get excited about {link}

Check out this hilarious video from The New Potato {link}

A magazine for fake farmers {link}

I really want to explore the Sunset, and I'm starting with the places in this guide {link}

I am starting this foam-roller workout STAT {link}

Image via

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