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Monday, November 10, 2014

Thanksgiving & Friendsgiving!

Easy Thanksgiving TurkeyThanksgiving Table Decor

Thanksgiving is, without a doubt, my favorite holiday of the year. Not only is it a holiday all about food, fall, and family, it is a holiday that truly brings people together. Thanksgiving transcends race and religion, making it a special day for everyone here in America.

The worst thing about Thanksgiving is that we only celebrate it once a year. So, I decided this year to host a Friendsgiving, basically a Thanksgiving dinner with a few close friends.

This was a perfect way to test out new recipes that my family would never approve of for our Thanksgiving dinner.

All this week, I will be sharing recipes, table settings, and tips that will make hosting a Friendsgiving (or Thanksgiving) seamless.

Thanksgiving Table DecorBelow is the menu for my first Friendsgiving.

Friendsgiving Menu

Easy Thanksgiving Turkey and Gravy(Recipe coming on Thursday!)
Mashed Potatoes
Roasted Brussel Sprouts
Brussel Sprout Salad
Cranberry Sauce (Recipe coming today!)

Creamy Pumpkin Tart (Recipe coming on Tuesday!)
Brown Butter Apple Tart
Chocolate Raspberry Tart
Whipped Cream

To make things easy for myself and for everyone else, I made the turkey, gravy, and pumpkin tart. Then I asked each friend to bring one dish and one drink (ie mashed potatoes and a bottle of wine). This ended up being perfect! We had so many delicious dishes to share, and no one was overwhelmed from too much cooking.

Check back later today for my easy and delicious cranberry sauce recipe!

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