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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mother's Day Brunch Ideas

Poached Eggs with Ramps
With Mother's Day just a few days away, here are all the recipes you need to make a wonderful brunch for mum. I've rounded up the best of Hilary Stone Soup for your mama!

1. Poached Eggs with Ramps

Ramps are in season right now, and they totally elevate this humble dish into something elegant and delicious. 

2. Classic Cinnamon Rolls

The warm smell of cinnamon in the morning will surely surprise her!

3. Little Gem Salad with Feta, Grapefruit, and Toasted Pecans

A simple and delicious salad with the cutest hint of color thanks to the grapefruit.

4. Chai Banana Smoothie

Because she's gone dairy- and gluten-free!

5. Shirred Eggs

The easiest way to make your mom brunch and use up any extra herbs or cheese in the fridge.

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