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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Farmer's Market Guide

Farmer's Market GuideFarmer's Market Guide
When Z was in India, I wandered over to the Farmer's Market in Noe Valley on a Saturday morning. I used to go to the Farmer's Market every Sunday in DC, but since I've moved to SF, I haven't had the work schedule to accommodate our neighborhood's Thursday evening Farmer's Market. The 20 minute walk to Noe with plenty of cute shops like Mill, and the abundance of produce I came home with was exactly what the doctor ordered.

Farmer's Market Guide
Farmer's Market GuideThere's a successful way to do the Farmer's Market, that won't leave you hangry and struggling with random produce bags on your way home. These are my top 5 tips for doing the farmer's market right!

1. Wear comfortable shoes

This is not the time for your new platform heels. Who knows what type of seating you will find at the market and how long you are going to walk for. This is the time for Birkenstocks and your Nike kicks!

Farmer's Market Guide

2. Grab coffee ahead of time

Avoid being hangry at the market by grabbing your cappuccino before you head to the market. There's nothing worse than being hungry and grocery shopping. Plus, you'll be more awake and friendly in the case you run into anyone you know!

3. Bring small bills

First and foremost, bring cash. I often fail at this, and I have to rely on Z always having cash on hand. Don't follow my example! Most farmer's markets don't accept cards, and since so many items are under five dollars, bring a lot of one dollar bills. 

Farmer's Market Guide

4. Taste!

This one should go without saying. The best part of a farmer's market is getting to taste the produce before buying. In particular, I like to walk around the entire market before buying...the best stand might be at the very end (gosh, I really am a true maximizer)! 

Farmer's Market Guide 5. Bring your own bags

Individual stands will give you produce bags, but eventually you want to put these all into one or two larger bags to carry home. Place the sturdier produce (some lettuces, apples, root vegetables, asparagus) on the bottom, and then place more delicate items on top (herbs, berries). 

Farmer's Market Guide

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