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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Spring Bucket List

Shed Healdsburg

With the start of March and San Francisco's temperamental weather fluctuating between rain and 70 degrees and sunshine, spring has been on my mind. Here's a list of all the things I am looking forward to this season....

Hiking Mt. Tam, finally! Can't believe I haven't done this yet.

Visit the farmers' market every other week. I haven't been in such a long time.

Take a weekend trip to Napa with Z. Hello, wine country!

Host a cocktail party on the roof with close friends.

Walk along the beach to Pelican Inn for brunch.

Spend an afternoon in the Filoli gardens.

Baking new recipes from The Violet Bakery Cookbook....rye chocolate brownies are calling my name.

What's on your spring bucket list?


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